Fine Wine


A superb selection to choose from to reward those with the finest palates! You can add optional extras such as chocolates and a gift box if you want to, or simply send the wine on its own.

Choose your Wine:choose from the following

  • Vegan
  • Vegetarian
  • Gluten Free
  • Vegetarian
  • Gluten Free

Add Optional Chocolates

+ £6.00
  • Vegetarian
+ £6.00
  • Vegetarian
+ £6.00
  • Vegetarian
+ £12.00
  • Vegetarian
+ £12.00

Add Optional Gift Box:select only one from the below

+ £8.00

Graphite Box Finished With Optional Ribbonselect only one from the below

+ £1.00
+ £1.00
+ £1.00
+ £1.00
+ £1.00
+ £1.00
+ £1.00
+ £1.00
+ £1.00
+ £1.00
+ £1.00
+ £1.00
+ £1.00

Optional Extras

+ £0.60
+ £0.25
+ £0.40



TOTAL (£) £26.99


Not quite right?
Brief Us Online here!