We deliver to individual home or business addresses, or in bulk to single addresses, or a mixture of all of these. We send out hundreds of parcels to individual addresses on a daily basis, and are used to dealing with large address lists for multiple recipients!
Our UK delivery options:
Depending on the size and weight of parcels, we can offer you the following services for delivery to individual addresses (eg. Staff home addresses)
- Royal Mail tracked 1st class delivery @ £5.10 ex. VAT per UK Mainland address - takes 1-2 working days from despatch
- Royal Mail tracked 2nd class delivery @ £3.75 ex. VAT per UK Mainland address - takes 2-4 working days from despatch
- APC Tracked & guaranteed nominated day delivery service @ £7.80 ex. VAT per UK Mainland address – includes 1 hour specific time window notification on day of delivery to each recipient - delivered the next working day
Bulk deliveries can be sent wither by APC or a dedicated courier, depending on the size of the delivery. Pricing for bulk delivery is dependant on the gifts ordered, and as you go through the online checkout the delivery costs will be shown.
Where we deliver to
We deliver to home or business addresses, as individual deliveries or in bulk, whichever you require.
We accept orders from anywhere in the world, and can deliver within the UK.
How much is delivery?
Your delivery costs are calculated and shown at the online checkout, or just give us a call on 01604 780101 for a quote.
When will my goods be delivered?
Your intended despatch date is shown during the online checkout, which you can change to suit your preference. Early Bird Christmas orders can be delivered on a date of your choice closer to Christmas, just select your preferred date as you go through the online checkout.
If you require goods delivered sooner than the date shown, please just call us on 01604 780101.
Orders will not be processed or despatched at weekends or on English & UK bank holidays.
Undeliverable goods
Should nobody be at the delivery address when delivery is attempted, and there is no suitable alternative for the courier to deliver the parcel to (eg. neighbour etc), then the courier will issue an attempted delivery note. This gives you details of how to rearrange delivery, delivery to an alternative address (at extra cost), or collect the parcel from your local depot.
If you have left instructions to leave the package i.e. by back gate or with a neighbour when the courier will follow these instructions whenever possible, providing they are confident the parcel will not be at risk.
We rely on the accuracy of the delivery address you give us and cannot accept liability for late or failed delivery if this is incorrect. If an order remains undelivered we will email you for further instructions. If it is not claimed within a reasonable time we will credit the price of the goods to your credit card less any despatch costs and administration fees incurred by us.
We are unable to re-send packages that are returned to us as undeliverable, and will credit your payment card for the costs of the goods. The delivery costs will not be refunded. If you would still like to purchase those items, you will have to place a new order.
Packages may be returned as undeliverable to us for any of the following reasons:
If the address is incorrect or outdated, the package is typically returned to us by the carrier or the unintended recipient. We are unable to re-send packages that are returned to us as undeliverable, and will credit your payment card for the costs of the goods. Please double check your address carefully if you intend to re-order.
If the order is being dispatched to a prison, there may be delivery restrictions associated with the items or carriers. These restrictions are determined by each institution and may vary.
In rare cases, it is also possible that the address label may become illegible, after despatch during the delivery process.
Arrangements can be made for you to collect your goods from our premises. Goods should be ordered in advance. To do this you will be required to bring 2 forms of identification and your order confirmation. Any delivery cost added at the website checkout to a card transaction will be refunded to you once the goods are collected. We will automatically make this refund back to card from which the original payment was made.
Sorry but for security reasons, we will not allow a third party or any other courier company / taxi to collect goods on your behalf.
Payment by cash can only be made if you are collecting goods directly from our premises. Goods need to be ordered in advance so they are ready for collection.
If you are collecting goods being paid for by cheque, you need to have sent the cheque to us and confirmed with us the cheque has cleared. We will only release goods where the cheque payment has cleared our bank account. See ‘Other ways to order’ in our Shopping Guide section.
We do not operate a retail outlet. Credit or debit cards and cheques will not be accepted in exchange for goods at our premises. See ‘Other ways to order’ in our Shopping Guide section.
If you wish to change the delivery address of your parcel please do so before the parcel is despatched. Once your parcel has been despatched please contact us immediately if you realise the address is incorrect or out of date and we will do our best to redirect the parcel prior to delivery. If the parcel has already been delivered to the original address supplied, we are able to retrieve it and all charges will stand as valid.